
What NOT To Do When You Are in The Processing of Getting a Mortgage to Buy A Home.

When buying a home that requires the purchaser to obtain a mortgage loan there are many actions that the home buyer might not realize can jeopardize them getting approved for the mortgage loan. 

Renting vs Buying a Home

rent vs buyMore American families are leasing, over all wage levels and age groups, for various reasons. For most owning a home is the main ingredient of their American dream and Americans have pre-determined notions about homeownership: Purchasing a home will build equity over the long term, getting you started down the road to financial security. Most believe that renting an apartment or

3 Reasons Why winter is a Smart Time to Buy a Home

(BPT) - Don't give up on buying a home as winter nears. In fact, December through February may be better for buyers than the busy season in spring and summer.

Enjoy less competition and lower prices.

Fewer properties are typically available during the winter, as sellers and buyers aim to complete transactions before the school year begins. You can turn that to your advantage.

Prepare Your Home for Holiday Entertaining

As the holiday season approaches and you’re tasked with hosting family and friends, it can be a little overwhelming to imagine all the work that has to take place for a successful celebration.

However, there’s no reason the host can’t join in the fun. To help keep calm and have your home ready for the party, follow these tips.

It's a 3-Peat!!!

Recent home buyers and home sellers have spoken!